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我的世界carry on(carryin'on是什么意思carryin'on是carryingon的缩写吗)

时间:2023-04-23 11:45:18人气:358 作者:未知



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考研英语carry on的用法

例句:I want to carry on with my course. 我想继续学习课程1. carry on后面跟宾语时,on是介词,这时carry on表示“开展;举行;进行” 某项活动。2. carry on后面不跟宾语时,on是副词,这时carry on表示“继续;坚持”;这也证明了carry on with表示“继续;坚持”之意的原因。在carry on with中,因为on是副词无法接宾语,加了with才接宾语,表示继续坚持的事情。例句:1. carry on:开展;举行;进行He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation. 他已学了足够的德语来进行会话。The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia. 领事馆将和印度尼西亚举行政治对话。Who can be depended upon to carry on the work? 可以依靠什么人来开展这个工作?2. carry on with:继续;坚持His encouragement determined us to carry on with the study.他的鼓励使我们决心继续学下去。They'll carry on with their plan.他们将继续执行他们的计划。John carried on with the business when the war was over. 战争结束后约翰继续经营这个买卖。In any event, we should carry on with our research. 无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。3. carry on(不跟宾语):继续;坚持Please carry on as usual while I am away. 我不在时,请照常干活。We must try to carry on as if nothing had happened. 我们必须继续下去,只当作什么都没有发生过。4.carry on doing:继续干某事The assistant carried on talking. 助理继续说下去。Rachael Carr intends to carry on teaching. 雷切尔·卡尔打算继续教书。go on doing sth. = go on with sth.,carry on doing sth. = carry on with sth. (这些词组中的on 仍然是副词用法)

carry on 可否用go on 替代

carry on 可否用go on 替代

carry on doing和carry on with的区别

carry on表达“开展;举行;进行”某项活动,意思相当于take part in;后者表达对某件事情的“坚持和继续”,意思相当于go on with。with后面可以直接加名词,尤其是具体的词。而carry on后接的词都是抽象的东西。carry on和carry on with的区别1carry on相关例句I hope to carry on for an indeterminate period.我希望能进行一段时期。Carry on the good work!干得不错,继续努力吧!After he left I just tried to carry on as normal.他离开后,我只管尽力像往常一样继续干。You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard.你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。2carry on with相关例句Her bravery has given him the will to carry on with his life and his work她的勇气激发了他继续生活和工作的意愿。In any event, we should carry on with our research.无论如何,我们必须坚持研究。They can't carry on with one another any more.他们两个无法再继续下去。We'll carry on a conversation with her tomorrow.我们将于明天与她会谈。





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